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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见与戏子交谈:预示着与冷战中的朋友合好,两人的感情很稳定。职员做梦梦到戏子:意味着你为了目标会不择手段。 未婚的人梦见戏子:预示着近期爱情方面有所突破,认识到条件很好的人。 梦中的戏子,代表了所有烦恼的事情就要过去了,恢复以前快乐的生活。

  Dream and the actors talk: that with the cold war s friends together, two people s feelings very stable. Staff dream actor: means you will use unscrupulous divisive tactics in order to target. Unmarried people dream of actors: indicates that the recent love breakthrough, realize the condition is very good. The dream of the actor, on behalf of all things to be over, restore the past happy life.
