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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见 艺术品里的人物 表示你非常浪漫

  梦见坏人 你似乎正向往着危险的恋爱。例如想抢夺朋友的男友,或是想和有妇之夫的他度过危险偷情的一夜等等。如果你已有男朋友的话,是否浮动的心正开始萌芽?

  梦见智慧型的人物 就像益智性连续剧般地,你正向往着美丽的成熟恋爱。如果你有男朋友,表示你正对他的恋爱品味感到失望,你想要在更好更浪漫的地方约会,或是你想要得到一份很棒的礼物。

  梦见三只眼的人物 慢慢花时间,细水长流地培养爱情似乎是你的理想。如果你有男朋友的话,或许你正对他的步调感到不知所措。

  梦见女英雄 似乎正梦想着命中注定的相遇、超越各种障碍,抵达目的般的浪漫的恋爱。有男朋友的话,或许正处于倦怠期。

  梦见英雄 你向往和 默默地守护着你 充满男子气慨的男孩谈恋爱。如果有男朋友的话,表示偶尔也希望对方强势一点的愿望。


  The art of character. you are very romantic

  Dream of the bad guys you seem to be running to dangerous love. For example, want to snatch the friend s boyfriend, or want to and married him through the dangerous night and carry on a clandestine love affair. If you already have a boyfriend, whether the floating heart are beginning to sprout?

  Dream of an intelligent type like a puzzle series, you running to beautiful mature love. If you have a boyfriend, you are his love taste feel disappointed, you want to better and more romantic place date, or you want to get a great gift.

  Dream of the three eye characters take their time, steady to cultivate love seems to be your ideal. If you have a boyfriend, you may feel be at a loss what to do with his pace.

  Dream of the hero seems to is dreaming of decreed by fate meet, beyond all kinds of obstacles, to arrive as a romantic love. Have a boyfriend, maybe is in burnout period.

  Dream of a hero you desire and silently guarding you man fall in love with the boy. If you have a boyfriend, occasionally also wish each other a little desire strong.

  Dream of this kind of person, is a very romantic person. Because you will be your ideal boy and love the form, in the projection into architecture characters displayed.
