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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见岩石在空中飞行 表示将遭受无端指责。在课堂中,坐在旁边的同学放出无声的瓦斯,结果你却被当做嫌犯等等情形。这时,千万不可默默无言,要毅然表白你的无辜

  梦见爬登石阶 在爱情方面将很不如意。十之八九,将被目前追求的对象 三振出局 。但不要气馁喔,谈恋爱还伯没有对象吗?

  梦见把小石头向远方抛去 意外遇上熟人的可能性很大。地方嘛,最有可能的就是百货公司等地的化妆室中。

  梦见巨大的岩石阻挡去路 健康状况会下降。对食物中毒、消化不良、痢疾等消化系统的疾病,要多加小心。

  梦见站在巨大岩石之上 暗示你将广受别人的信赖。可以参加竞选班级代表或学生会主席等活动,保证你高票当选。

  梦见攀登岩壁 在异性方面有偏爱冒险的可能。与偶然相识的异性,可能会出现冒险暖昧的场面。但最后一道防线绝对要坚守,如果被击破,好事就将变成坏事啦。

  Dream of flying in the sky -- rock said will suffer a gratuitous accusation. In the classroom, the students sitting next to release silent gas, but you are as suspects and so on. At this time, do not keep silent, be decided to show your innocent

  Dream of the climb steps -- in terms of love will be very unhappy. Nine in ten, will be the pursuit of the object three strikes . But do not be discouraged, fall in love, also, no object?

  Dream of the stone to the distant away -- the great possibility of accidental meet acquaintance. Place well, is most likely to department stores in the dressing room.

  Dream of huge rocks obstruct -- health status will decline. Of food poisoning, dyspepsia, diarrhea, digestive system diseases, be more careful.

  Dream of standing on the huge rock -- suggests that you will be well received by the trust of others. Can run for class representative or chairman of the student union and other activities, ensure that you was elected.

  Dream of climbing rock -- in heterosexual context preference adventure may. And casual sex, may appear ambiguous scenes adventure. But the last line of defense is to adhere to, if destroyed, good things will turn bad.
